Fees depend on which group your swimmer is in and include the following:
- Registration Fee - Annual fee - Includes mandatory Swim Ontario levy.
- Membership Fees - Determined by group placement and used to cover pool costs, coaching fees and administration costs.
- Swim Meet Fees - Based on the number of events a swimmer competes in at a swim meet.
For families that have more than one swimmer in the club, the swimmer in the highest group pays the full membership fee and the remaining swimmers will receive a discount on their membership fees. Swim meet fees range from $15.00 to $20.00 per event and are not covered in the monthly membership fees, but rather are billed monthly to each family's "Swimmer Account".
The two primary costs to the club are coaching fees and pool rental. Raising sufficient funds to support our club is a continual challenge. Club fees are a major source of revenue and are supplemented primarily by revenues generated through our hosted swim meets at the Canada Games Aquatic Centre. Fundraising events are undertaken through the course of the year to help supplement our primary revenue streams. We are always interested in listening to innovative ideas in the area of fundraising as well as in the area of corporate sponsorship.
Swimmers are offered the opportunity to compete in swim meets throughout the swim season. While competition is not mandatory, it is certainly encouraged as a means of measuring skill and fitness improvements. There are approximately 8 to 10 meets held during our season with four of them being LAC-hosted events. There can be travel to meets across southwestern Ontario, and even further afield for those swimmers at the higher levels.
The basic equipment required for the entry level swimmer is a pair of goggles, a team bathing cap for those with long hair and of course a team swimsuit. Other required equipment that a swimmer will need as they move through the ranks include pullbuoy, paddles, fins, and snorkel.
If you are interested in joining our club please contact our membership coordinator to arrange an assessment and two week trial. This free trial gives you and your child a better understanding of what a practice may be like, allowing you to meet the coaches and allowing the coaches to assess the ability of your swimmer and a possible group placement.
For more information please contact: 519-857-SWIM or lacnewmember@gmail.com